Sunday, April 26, 2015

But I do it for my girls.

It's hard to be an introvert parent. There are birthday parties, school parties, assemblies, amusement parks, and city events. Your instinct is to stay home where it's safe, quiet, and there isn't a million people. Your children want to go and have fun and, well, be children. 

Today the littlest princess has a birthday party to go to for a classmate. I don't know a single parent or any of the other students. That's my fault, I know. My hermit lifestyle has made that happen and brought me to this point but I can't help but be anxious. 

I'm not good at small talk and I have trouble connecting with people. I always have. I've always been very shy and my mind goes blank when I try to think of things to talk about. How am I supposed to make conversation? I want my daughters to have friends and be invited places, it would just be so much easier if that didn't mean I had to go with them. 

How do you come up with things to talk about? What do you talk about when you've exhausted all subjects about school? How do you connect with other parents? How do you step out of your introvert comfort zone and give your children the fun activities they deserve? 

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